FSU Biology - Directories - Postdoctoral Associates

Postdoctoral Associates


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No postdocs

Costa, Barbara A.

King Life Sciences (4295)
Email: bcosta@bio.fsu.edu
Postdoctoral Associate
Ecology & Evolution
Major Professor: Scott Steppan

Duffy, Alexandra

King Life Sciences (4295)
Postdoctoral Associate
Ecology & Evolution
Major Professor: Kim Hughes

No postdocs

No postdocs

No postdocs

No postdocs

No postdocs

No postdocs

Kamalaldinezibadi, Shirin

Kasha Laboratory Building (0519)
Email: sk15c@fsu.edu
Postdoctoral Associate
Structural Biology
Major Professor: Scott Stagg

Leong, Leticia

228 Biomedical Research Facility
Email: lleong@fsu.edu
Postdoctoral Associate
Major Professor: Douglas Storace

Li, Yuxiang

King Life Sciences (4295)
Email: yli@bio.fsu.edu
Postdoctoral Associate
Major Professor: Jian Feng

Lloyd, Evan

Biomedical Research Facility
Email: elloyd@bio.fsu.edu
Postdoctoral Associate
Major Professor: Douglas Storace
Second Major Professor: Kimberly Hughes

Lopez, Diana

King Life Sciences (4295)
Email: dplopez@fsu.edu
Postdoctoral Associate
Ecology & Evolution
Major Professor: Daniel Okamoto
Second Major Professor: Don Levitan

Makowicz, Amber

4006 King Life Sciences (4295)
Email: amakowicz@bio.fsu.edu
Homepage: https://sites.google.com/view/ambermmakowicz/
Postdoctoral Associate
Ecology & Evolution
Major Professor: Kim Hughes

Mansfield, Elizabeth (Betsy)

Coastal and Marine Laboratory
Email: emansfield@fsu.edu
Postdoctoral Associate
Ecology & Evolution
Major Professor: Sarah Lester
Second Major Professor: Andrew Rassweiler

Mitra, Saptarsi

King Life Sciences
Email: sm23fb@fsu.edu
Postdoctoral Associate
Major Professor: Debra Fadool

No postdocs

Odegaard, Katherine

228 Biomedical Research Facility
Email: ko22d@fsu.edu
Postdoctoral Associate
Major Professor: Roberto Vincis

Potter, Tomos

King Life Sciences (4295)
Postdoctoral Associate
Ecology & Evolution
Major Professor: Joseph Travis

Prather, Rebecca

King Life Sciences (4295)
Email: rprather2@fsu.edu
Postdoctoral Associate
Ecology & Evolution
Major Professor: Nora Underwood
Second Major Professor: Brian Inouye

No postdocs

Ranaweera, Ahinsa

KLB Kasha Laboratory
Email: ar23cr@fsu.edu
Postdoctoral Associate
Cell, Molecular and Integrative Biology
Major Professor: Ashwanth Francis

Rivers Key, Pearl

4057 King Life Sciences (4295)
Email: privers@bio.fsu.edu
Postdoctoral Associate
Ecology & Evolution
Major Professor: Don Levitan

Rossoni, Daniela

King Life Sciences (4295)
Email: drossoni@fieldmuseum.org
Postdoctoral Associate
Ecology & Evolution
Major Professor: David Houle

Shrinet, Jatin

King Life Sciences (4295)
Email: jshrinet@bio.fsu.edu
Postdoctoral Associate
Cell, Molecular and Integrative Biology
Major Professor: Peter Fraser

Singh, Satya Prakash

513 KLB Kasha Laboratory
Email: ssingh7@fsu.edu
Postdoctoral Associate
Cell, Molecular and Integrative Biology
Major Professor: Ashwanth Francis

No postdocs

No postdocs

No postdocs

No postdocs

Xu, Haiyang

3090 King Life Sciences (4295)
Phone: (850) 644-3707
Lab phone: (850) 644-3707
Email: hxu@bio.fsu.edu
Postdoctoral Associate
Major Professor: Jian Feng

No postdocs

Zhou, Huanhuan

321 Bio Unit I (4370)
Email: hz15b@my.fsu.edu
Postdoctoral Associate
Cell, Molecular and Integrative Biology
Major Professor: Steven Lenhert