FSU - Biological Science

Undergraduate Advising

The Biological Science Undergraduate Advising Office is staffed by full-time undergraduate academic advisors, and one faculty supervisor (Associate Chair of Undergraduate Studies). It is located in room 1067 of the King Life Sciences Building (see university map).

Please use Campus Connect to make an appointment or join us for drop-in hours. Drop-in hours are held Monday through Thursday from 8:30 AM to 11:45 AM, and Fridays from Thursday from 8:30 AM to 11:45 AM and 1:30 PM to 4:00 PM. If you have general question, you may email advisor@bio.fsu.edu and an advisor will usually respond within one or two business days.

Students are strongly advised to seek academic advising at least once a semester, preferably prior to the registration cycle. Students should see individual faculty members for advice about research interests and potential Directed Individual Study (DIS) opportunities. Individuals interested in graduate work should contact April Wooten in the Biology Graduate Advising Office, 1063 KIN, by the beginning of their junior year for advice on doing research for credit and applying to graduate schools.

The Pre-Health Professions Advising Office in the College of Medicine offers additional preprofessional advising for students interested in careers in the health science professions- Anesthesiology Assistant, Chiropractic, Dentistry, Medicine, Occupational Therapy, Optometry, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Physician Assistant, Veterinary Medicine, and Genetic Counseling.


Taylor Dean

1067 King Life Sciences
Email: tdean@fsu.edu
Academic Advisor

Alexandria Hart

1067d King Life Science
Email: adh24@fsu.edu
Academic Advisor

Zuleyha Lasky

1067F King Life Sciences
Email: zozturk@fsu.edu
Academic Advisor

Jacob Pinkston

1067 King Life Sciences
Email: jpinkston@fsu.edu
Academic Advisor

Devyn Raulerson

1067e King Life Science
Email: dlr19b@fsu.edu
Academic Advisor

Alexis Fraites

Phone: 850 645-0440
Email: a.fraites@fsu.edu
Career Center Liaison