FSU - Biological Science

Research Showcase

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Research in a Minute : Jonathan Dennis.

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Researchers identify rare dinosaur from Appalachia.

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The Wingmachine.

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New FSU research led by Professor of Biological Science Hengli Tang finds the Zika virus is directly targeting brain development cells and stunting their growth.

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When Sperm Compete, Eggs Have A Choice.

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High-Achieving Students Thrive at Florida State.

2019 publications of the Department of Biological Science, with links to publications from other years

  • The Marvel of Movement: Of all the distinctions between animals and plants, the ability to move at will figures to be preeminent.
  • Metals on the Mind: Copper and zinc surge through our every thought.
  • Walter's Ant Castles: Walter Tschinkel likes long walks in the woods carrying a favorite shovel and buckets of fresh dental plaster.
  • Field Guide: Dominant flora of the ground cover in pine forests of the Apalachicola National Forest (http://www.bio.fsu.edu/fieldguide/fjindex.php)
  • Ecology and Evolution at Florida State: Our strength is a long tradition of research excellence, to which we've added a young and growing group of exciting faculty researchers. (http://www.bio.fsu.edu/ee/index.html)
  • Dr. Gregory M. Erickson's Dinosaur Growth Page. (http://bio.fsu.edu/~gerick/dinogrowth.htm)