FSU - Biological Science

Student Organizations

For a full list of all recognized student organizations, please visit: https://nolecentral.dsa.fsu.edu/.

Beta Beta Beta (Tri-Beta)

Beta Beta Beta is a national honorary and professional fraternity of undergraduates of any major, dedicated to improving the understanding and appreciation of biological study and extending boundaries of human knowledge through scientific research. Tri-Beta promotes undergraduate research in Biology through publishing its undergraduates-only journal, Bios, holding meetings at which undergraduate research papers are presented in the style of graduate meetings, and awarding competitive research stipends to faculty supervisors who support undergraduate research and publication. Annual awards are given for outstanding student and chapter accomplishment. Members of the local chapter provide services to University, Department, and fellow students. Membership information can be obtained by contacting an advisor.

Dr. Debra A. Fadool

Dr. James M. Fadool

FSU Chapter of the American Society for Microbiology

FSU Student Chapter of the American Society for Microbiology The American Society for Microbiology is a national society that connects all professionals from undergraduate to senior researchers in the microbiology and microbiology-related fields. Through the national chapter, students have the opportunities to apply for undergraduate scholarships, summer research grants, graduate school positions, and post-doctoral scholar positions. In addition to all of ASM's online resources, there are several regional conferences held per year, with one national conference held annually. In FSU's student chapter of ASM, students have the opportunity explore careers in microbiology and how microbiology is essential to all other medical fields. ASM is an amazing resource for students looking for research on campus, help on their thesis, or to simply open their minds to the endless possibilities that are under the microscope.

Katherine Jones

Fanxiu Zhu

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology:
Florida Public Interest Research Group

FPIRG is a campus-wide public interest research group funded directly by the students of FSU. Biological Science majors with an interest in environmental and ecological issues are encouraged to participate in FPIRG activities and research. The FPIRG office is located in 322 Oglesby Union (850-644-2483).

Health Professions and Biomedical Research:
Alpha Epsilon Delta

Alpha Epsilon Delta (AED) is the National Health Preprofessional Honor Society and service organization dedicated to the encouragement and recognition of excellence in preprofessional health scholarship, including medicine, dentistry, veterinary, and others. The Society welcomes ALL students engaged in the pursuit of a professional healthcare career. AED offers opportunities for intellectual and professional development, provides a forum for students with common interests, and extends a program of service to benefit the college/university community.

AED Advisor:
Erin Neal

American Medical Student Association

The American Medical Student Association (AMSA) is the largest independent national medical student organization. AMSA is student-governed, and is committed to representing the concerns of physicians-in-training. With a membership of nearly 30,000 medical students, pre-medical students, interns and residents from across the country, AMSA is committed to improving health care and health care delivery to all people, promoting active improvement in medical education, involving its members in the social, moral and ethical obligation of the profession of medicine, assisting in the understanding and mprovement of world health problems, contributing to the welfare of medical students, interns, residents, and post-MD/DO trainees, and advancing the profession of medicine. The association presents lectures by health professionals to students whose career plans include medicine, organizes and performs volunteer activities, and tours local hospitals. Membership information can be obtained by contacting the AMSA advisor.

AMSA Advisors:
Dr. Alice Pomidor

Dr. Ewa Bienkiewicz

Association of Latino Medical Students

Association of Latino Medical Students (ALMS) is organized primarily for providing support and guidance to Latino, Hispanic, and all medical students in FSUCOM and FSU undergraduates. This organization also aims to raise awareness about Latin culture and medicine amongst the Latin community.

ALMS Advisor:
Dr. Rodriguez

Bridging the Gap

Bridging the Gap - Minority Pre-Dental Organization @ FSU strives on serving the socio-economically disadvantaged population within our community and surrounding cities. We will focus on providing valuable information regarding dental hygiene and preventive care. Through acts of service, time, and commitment we will become the change we seek within the dental profession, by contributing our sincere efforts to bridge the “quality of care” gap across racial and socioeconomic groups. Bridging The Gap also strives to make the potential minority dental students a more competitive candidate when applying for dental schools. This means informing our members about a variety of effective DAT study skills, helping improve their resume, getting them involved in research opportunities, community service, networking with local dentists and TCC hygienist students, and helping them build shadowing hours.

Bridging the Gap Advisor
David Kenton

Connecting Experimental Lab and Life Sciences

Connecting Experimental Lab and Life Sciences (CELLS) romotes research for undergraduates and provides a social and professional network for students engaged in biomedical, clinical and social science research. CELLS at FSU will introduce and prepare undergraduate students for an exciting research experience by providing avenues for networking with research faculty. This organization offers workshops, mentoring, lab tours, service events, field trips, research symposiums, interactive discussions with research scientists and advice on internships and biomedical research careers. Finally, CELLS at FSU also hosts several social events in order to unite the scientific community of students.

CELLS Advisor
Dr. Foster

Florida Rural Health Student Association

Florida Rural Health Student Association (FRHA) promotes healthcare to rural citizens of the state of Florida in both policy and practice. It also gives tudents the opportunity to become affiliated with rural health organizations in Florida, provides knowledge of legislative issues pertaining to rural health, and serves rural communities in health related events.

FRHA Advisor
Dr. Speights

FSU Cares

FSUCares is a dynamic medical student organization devoted to helping the underserved and underprivileged populations both locally and internationally. Our mission is to provide health services, including medical care, education, and counseling to those people who would not otherwise have access to care while providing an interactive, clinical learning environment for FSU College of Medicine students. FSUCares has established a partnership with local organizations such as the Leon County Health Department, Neighborhood Health Services, the Bond Clinic, and the Tallahassee Shelter. Some local activities include setting up health information and screening at the Migrant Health Fair in Gadsden County, caring for patients at the Neighborhood Health Services Clinic, and establishing monthly health screenings at the local Homeless Shelter.

FSUCares Advisor
Karen Myers

Fundamentals of Observational Research and Career Experience

Fundamentals of Observational Research and Career Experience (FORCE) Shadowing in Tallahassee is extremely competitive because of the two major Universities, FSU and FAMU, and the smaller community college, TCC. Together, these three schools combined, cover a wide range of health professional graduate and undergraduate programs ranging from the FSU medical School to the TCC surgical technician program. With so many pre-health students in one city, shadowing a health professional can be very difficult, let alone the actual process of finding a health professional to shadow. To solve this issue, FORCE was created.

FORCE Advisor
Mark Kearley

Gays, Lesbians, and Allies Advancing Medicine

Gays, Lesbians, and Allies Advancing Medicine (GLAAM) provides support to LGBTQ students and the community in the following areas: 1) Education – increase student and public knowledge of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) healthcare concerns 2) Service – volunteer time to organizations committed to advancing the causes of the LGBT community 3) Advocacy – promote and campaign for equality in healthcare, employment, and family matters 4) Collaboration – work together with LGBT groups in other fields of study to further LGBT issues 5) Mentorship – offer support and mentoring to pre-medical students and LGBT youth 6) Social – provide entertaining events with a welcoming and safe environment for all participants.

GLAMM Advisor
Dr. Applebaum

Geriatrics Interest Group

Geriatrics Interest Group (GIG) of the Florida State University College of Medicine (FSU COM) is to educate and promote geriatric medicine at the Florida State University (FSU). The GIG promotes the involvement of students and professionals from various disciplines concerned with the care of the geriatric community, with the purpose of enhancing the multiple dimensions of geriatric care. Members of the GIG, also, have the opportunity to join the American Geriatrics Society (AGS) and the Florida eriatrics Society (FGS), which provide additional opportunities for informative meetings and conferences to attend. The primary focus of the GIG activities is to meet the needs of the geriatric community through education, community outreach, and student geriatric involvement.

GIG Advisor
Dr. Suchak

Hang Tough Club at FSU

Hang Tough Club at FSU (HTC) is a branch of the Hang Tough Foundation, a burgeoning, local non-profit started in Tallahassee, Florida. Hang Tough was established in order to "provide an encompassing approach to taking care of the ENTIRE family that has a child affected by a chronic or life altering illness in the Big Bend Area." For more information about the foundation itself, please visit: http://www.hangtoughfoundation.org/about-us.html As a club at FSU, we hope to spread awareness to the FSU, as well as surrounding community about not only all that the Hang Tough Foundation has to offer families facing childhood illness but also educate those around us about the potentially devastating effects of pediatric illness and the lack of both physical and emotional resources available to families in the surrounding areas.

HTC Advisor
Mary Dailey

Health Educated Asian Leaders

Health Educated Asian Leaders (HEAL) is an organization which strives to promote leadership and ambition in pre-health students by giving a variety of opportunities all geared toward developing an individual to be the best health-care professional they expect to be.

HEAL Advisor
T. Somasundaram

Health Occupations of America

Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) is an organization catering to those students interested in a healthcare profession. HOSA at FSU participates in many volunteer opportunities, competitive events, and allows students to meet current healthcare professionals. The mission of HOSA is "to enhance the delivery of compassionate, quality health care by providing opportunities for knowledge, skill and leadership development of all health science technology education students, therefore, helping students to meet the needs of the health care community." To do that, HOSA participates in state and national leadership conferences where students attend workshops and interact with other students from all over the nation. Joining HOSA is a fun and rewarding way to gain knowledge of the healthcare field!

HOSA Advisor
Dr. Jeong-su Kim

Healthy Noles

Healthy Noles advocates for health and wellness to all students on and off campus under the auspices of Healthy Campus 2020. Healthy Noles promote an overall healthy lifestyle through education and advocacy for balanced eating; alcohol abuse, tobacco and drug prevention; as well as healthy sexual behaviors and the prevention of sexually transmitted infections (STI’s). We aim to reach out to the FSU community, influencing Academics, Athletics, Dining Services, Greek Life, Residence Halls, The Student Union, and other Registered Student Organizations. It is our passion to help others understand that living healthy requires balanced eating, exercising, getting plenty of sleep, managing stress in a positive way, avoiding drugs and tobacco, using alcohol in moderation, if at all, and practicing safe sex. We provide students with healthy physical activity plans, guidelines for proper nutrition, facts and prevention methods for STI’s, tools and resources to stop smoking, ways to minimize/avoid harmful drinking and drug use. We strive to debunk health-related myths, misinformation and unhealthy lifestyles, that are often supported by fad diets; social norm perceptions, high stress levels, and peer pressure. We advocate for an overall healthy body image, mind and self esteem. We warn students of the dangers of disordered eating behaviors, lack of or excessive exercise, binge drinking, smoking, drug use, high stress levels, lack of sleep and exposure to sexually transmitted diseases, all of which can threaten students’ academic and developmental success. Healthy Noles is also involved in community health education efforts at college apartments, secondary schools, local health fairs, and other locations as requested.

Healthy Noles Advisor
Kaitlyn Barningham

Medlife Health

MEDLIFE Health is a secular, volunteer-run global health organization whose mission is to help families achieve greater freedom from the constraints of poverty, empowering them to live healthier lives. Our patients did not choose to be poor, but they do choose to strive for a better life. MEDLIFE stands beside them in this pursuit. We seek to achieve this goal through partnering with motivated individuals from poor communities working to improve their access to MEDs: Medicine, Education and community Development. MEDLIFE believes access to quality healthcare, education and personal development are basic human rights. To this end, we commit all our resources to bring Medicine, Education and Development to Low Income Families Everywhere. MEDLIFE FSU divides into three organizations: Health, Education, and Community Development. Our MEDLIFE Health Chapter focuses on the medical aspect of MEDLIFE. MEDLIFE Health at FSU works with students who are interested in medicine, are interested in pre-health, or simply want to help others.

MEDLIFE Health Advisor
Erin Straszewski

Military Medicine Interest Group

Military Medicine Interest Group's mission is to facilitate unity among the military medical students through dissemination of vital information, shared experiences, physical training, and guest speakers. The organization also seeks to spread awareness about military medical careers to all students of the Florida State University College of Medicine through guest speakers, reenactment of drills, and trips to military medical facilities.

MMIG Advisor
Michael Smith

Minority Association of Pre-Medical Students

Minority Association of Pre-Medical Students (MAPS) enhances the recruitment of culturally diverse students into healthcare fields, and to help members become successful candidates for professional health and medical programs. MAPS develops its members to become successful matriculates into professional schools, as well as qualified healthcare providers in the future. This is accomplished through several academic, clinical, and community service opportunities. Included are: Food and clothing drives, Boggy Creek Camp for terminally ill children, community blood drives, services with elderly care facilities, mentoring with college and precollege students, facilitated tutoring and study groups, academic advising, MCAT/GRE preparation courses, Physician partnership opportunities, a medical assistant program, employment opportunities, and professional enhancement workshops.

MAPS Advisor
Thesla Berne-Anderson


Nole-Med will provide volunteering opportunities, relevant information about the newest research in medicine, networking opportunities with medical professionals, and knowledge of policies that will affect those pursuing a medical career in the future.

Nole-Med Advisor
Megan Gillman

Pediatric Interest Group

Pediatric Interest Group (PIG) performs service to the Tallahassee pediatric community and to promote the field of pediatrics at Florida State University (FSU). Our members are able to fulfill our purpose through hands-on experience and exposure to careers in pediatrics by shadowing local physicians, participating in health fairs, and receiving education through guest lectures. PIG is also committed to serving the greater pediatric community through its continued participation with Dance Marathon, as well as state camps such as Camp Boggy Creek and the Florida Camp for Children and Youth with Diabetes.

PIG Advisor
Lea Parsley

Pre-Dental Society at FSU

Pre-Dental Society at FSU is an undergraduate organization aimed at helping you get into Dental School. Our Objective is to familiarize students with the various specialties within the field of dentistry and to provide helpful resources. We are aimed at helping students to become better applicants when applying to dental school. Our organization has a close working relationship with The Florida Dental Association, The Leon County Health Department, Precision Dental Laboratory and various local practices. We also provide shadowing opportunities for inducted society members. In addition, Tutoring Sessions are available to help answer any questions you may have about your science courses.

Pre-Dental Advisor
Erin Neal

Pre-Pharmacy Information Learning and Leadership Society

Pre-Pharmacy Information Learning and Leadership Society (PILLS) is a student organization created by six Florida State University students in the fall of 2003 for undergraduates who plan on pursuing careers in pharmacy, and is currently one of the three largest pre-medical clubs on campus. The goal of the club is to provide resources and opportunities to introduce undergraduates to the world of pharmacy. In addition, the club seeks to help its members become the most qualified applicants for pharmacy school. The organization also seeks to encourage community involvement and to present members with opportunities to serve the community through volunteer service. By adding depth to members understanding of pharmacy, the Pre-Pharmacy Club constantly strives to make its members the best prepared and most informed applicants for the pharmacy program.

PILLS President
Zachary Johnson

Pre-Physical Therapy/Occupational Therapy

Pre-Physical Therapy/Occupational Therapy is an effort between the pre-physical/occupational therapy students of Florida State University to assist one another in preparation for graduate school. The club provides a means by which Pre-Physical/Occupational Therapy students can get to know each other and help each other with planning, class scheduling, GRE preparation, and physical/occupational therapy school applications. We will bring in practicing physical and occupational therapists, current physical/occupational therapy school students, and physical/occupational therapy school recruiters in order to help students understand the profession and gain knowledge of the physical/occupational therapy school admission process. Our "motto" is Physical/Occupational Therapy...A New Generation...A New Outlook On Medical Treatment. The desire of the club and its members is to: 1) Identify freshman/underclassmen that are interested and help them get better understanding of the profession and what it takes to become a physical/occupational therapist. 2) Direct students in their selection of classes in consideration of the prerequisites and recommended electives of the specific physical/occupational therapy institutions. 3) Advise students (upper classmen) on preparation for the GRE and give suggestions on the timeline of applications with their personal statement, recommendations, work experience, etc.

PT/OT President
Natalia Busuttil

Pre-Physician Assistant Club of FSU

Pre-Physician Assistant Club of FSU was established to bring together FSU students that are interested in becoming a Physician Assistant. This club provides valuable insight about the profession by having guest speakers give presentations on various graduate programs, volunteer opportunities, and the schooling process. Guest speakers include local Physician Assistants and admission counselors from various programs. The purpose of this organization is to educate students and the community about the physician assistant (PA) profession and to provide opportunities preparing students for entry into PA school.

Pre-PA Advisor
Nina Flanagan


Pre-SOMA at FSU is an affiliated chapter of the national Pre-Student Osteopathic Medical Association. We are dedicated to promoting the osteopathic tradition at Florida State University, and in the Tallahassee area, and to creating stronger, more knowledgeable students for entry into osteopathic medical institutions around the country.

Pre-SOMA Advisor
Joe Lowder

Pre-Veterinary Club at FSU

Pre-Veterinary Club at FSU (PVC) strives to provide a friendly and sociable environment where currently enrolled students will expand their interests in veterinary medicine and/or in animal related fields. The PVC encourages applications towards vet school but is not limited to only pre-vet majors. We strongly encourage the enrollment of anyone interested expanding their knowledge with animals or anyone who is looking for opportunities in animal related fields.

PVC President
Sarah Johnson


Raw FSU introduces the community to natural medicine professions and holistic lifestyles, while supplementing experiences and resources to inspire conscious living.

RAW Advisor
Kelsie Patton

Saving Smiles at FSU

Saving Smiles provides pre-dental students with the resources to further their dental knowledge and experience, prior to matriculating into dental school, via serving as volunteers in the dental community. Saving Smiles members are dedicated to improving the oral healthcare at all levels of community; at FSU, in Tallahassee, in the state of Florida, across the United States, and even abroad. In doing so, members are able to have hands-on experience and ensure that they are better prepared for dental school and feel comfortable with their career decision.

Saving Smiles Advisor
Korey Lowry

Student Academy of Audiology

Student Academy of Audiology is the national student organization of the American Academy of Audiology that serves as a collective voice for students and advances the rights, interests, and welfare of students pursuing careers in audiology. The SAA introduces students to lifelong involvement in activities that promote and advance the profession of audiology, and provides services, information, education, representation and advocacy for the profession and the public we serve.

SAA Advisor
Selena Snowden

Student Interest Group in Neurology

Student Interest Group in Neurology (SIGN) is an organization based at the College of Medicine. Our primary focus is to increase student knowledge of both clinical and research applications of neuroscience. This will be be achieved through lectures bringing renowned experts in neurology, psychiatry, and neuroscience research, as well as through outreach programs. SIGN will also facilitate physician shadowing and tours with neurologists, neurosurgeons, psychiatrists, and research laboratories.

SIGN Advisor
James Olcese

Students Interested in Global Health

Students Interested in Global Health (SIGH) a student organization that encourages medical and premedical students to develop an awareness and understanding of the impact of global health issues. SIGH achieves its goal by primarily focusing on global health topics evident in developing countries. Students Interested in Global Health (SIGH) aims to provide medical students with a perspective on healthcare delivery globally. SIGH accomplishes this through hosting events designed to increase student's awareness about current global health issues and organizing a service learning experience in a developing country.

SIGH Advisor
Dr. Van Durme