FSU Biology - Dr. Ralph Yerger
In Memoriam

Dr. Ralph W. Yerger, Professor Emeritus (Associate Dean of Arts and Sciences, 1977-1983), 1922-2003

About Dr. Yerger

The Yerger Lecture Series

Sphoeroides yergeri

Research and Professional Interests:


Selected Publications:

Duggins, C. F., A. A. Karlin, K. G. Relyea, and R. W. Yerger. 1983. Systematics of the genus Floridichthys. Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 11:283+.

Leiby, M. M., and R. W. Yerger. 1980. The genus Bascanichthys (Pisces, Ophichthidae) in the Gulf of Mexico. Copeia 1980(3):402-408.

Swift, C., R. W. Yerger, and P. R. Parris. 1977. Distribution and Natural History of the Fresh and Brackish Water Fishes of the Ochlockonee River, Florida and Georgia. Bulletin of Tall Timbers Research Station No. 20. 111 pp.

Yerger, R. W. 1977. Fishes of the Apalachicola River. Florida Marine Research Publications No. 26, pp. 22–33.

Mettee, M. F., R. W. Yerger, and E. Crittenden. 1976. A status report on the Okaloosa darter in northwest Florida. Southeastern Fishes Council Proceedings 1(2):1–3.

Weinstein, M. P., and R. W. Yerger. 1976. Protein taxonomy of Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic ocean seatrouts, genus Cynoscion. Fish. Bull. (NOAA) 74:599-607.

Weinstein, M. P., and R. W. Yerger. 1976. Electrophoretic investigation of subpopulations of spotted seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus (Cuvier), in Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic coast of Florida. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B 54:97-102.

Lewis, T. C., and R. W. Yerger. 1976. Biology of five species of sea robins (Pisces, Triglidae) from northeastern Gulf of Mexico. Fish. Bull. (NOAA) 74:93-103.

Yerger, R. W., and H. A. Beecher. 1975. First records of two percid fishes in Florida freshwaters. Florida Scientist 38:142–143.

Yerger, R. W. 1974. Ostariophysi. Pages 757–763 in Encyclopaedia Britannica. Helen Hemingway Benton, Publisher.

Parris, P. R., and R. W. Yerger. 1973. Ochlockonee River fishes: salainity-temperature effects. Florida Scientist 36:179–186.

Hastings, R. W., and R. W. Yerger. 1971. Ecology and life history of the diamond killifish, Adinia xenica (Jordan and Gilbert). American Midland Naturalist 86:276–291.

Shipp, R. L., and R. W. Yerger. 1969. The new puffer fish, Sphoeroides parvus, from the western Gulf of Mexico, with a key to species of Sphoeroides from the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washignton 82:477–487.

Shipp, R. L., and R. W. Yerger. 1969. Status, characters, and distribution of the northern and soutehrn puffers of the genus Sphoeroides. Copeia 1969(3):425–433.

Yerger, R. W., and K. Relyea. 1968. The flat-headed bullheads (Pisces: Ictaluridae) of the southeastern United States, and a new species of Ictalurus from the Gulf coast. Copeia 1968(2):361–384.

Laurence, G. C., and R. W. Yerger. 1967. Life history studies of the Alabama shad, Alosa alabamae, in the Apalachicola River, Florida. Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Conference Southeastern Association of Game and Fish Commissioners, pp. 260–273.

Yerger, R. W. 1965. The leatherback turtle on the Gulf coast of Florida. Copeia 1965(3):365–366.

Collette, B. B., and R. W. Yerger. 1962. The American percid fishes of the subgenus Villora. Tulane Studies in zollogy 9:213–230.

Yerger, R. W., and R. D. Suttkus. 1962. Records of freshwater fishes in Florida. Tulane Studies in Zoology 9:323–330.

Yerger, R. W., 1961. Additional records of marine fishes from Alligator Harbor, Florida, and vicinity. Quarterly Journal of the Florida Adacemy of Sciences 24(2):111–116.

Yerger, R. W. 1955. Life history notes on the eastern chipmunk, Tamias striatus lysteri (Richardson), in central New York. American Midland Naturalist 53:312–323.

Yerger, R. W. 1953. Yellow bullhead preyed upon by cottonmouth moccasin. Copeia 1953(2):115.

Yerger, R. W. 1953. Southeastern Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. Science 117:270.

Yerger, R. W. 1953. Home range, territoriality, and populations of the chipmunk in central New York. Journal of Mammalogy 34:448–458.

In addition, the department has on file the following three manuscripts. Copies are available on request.

Yerger, Ralph W. Accounts of rare and endangered fish species. Prepared for the Florida Committeeon Rare and Endangered Plants and Animals. March 1974. 18 ms pp.

Yerger, Ralph W. The fishes of the Apalachicola National Forest. Prepared under contract number 1006-R8-73, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Atlanta, Georgia. January 1974. 39 ms pp.

Yerger, Ralph W., contractor. Final report to the Department of Pollution Control: Aquatic vertebrate fauna of the Kissimmee River–Lake Okeechobee Basin. December 1974. [Handwritten notation: Technical Series Vol. 1, No. 6, Dec. 1975. Dept. of Environmental Regulation.] 39 ms pp.