FSU - Biological Science

Best Security Practices for Zoom Meetings

Security Practices for Zoom:

First open a browser and log into your zoom account at its.fsu.edu/zoom. Once signed in, select the 'Settings' option from the left side navigation menu. This is where you will make all your security choices that will go into affect for future meetings.

The below settings can all be used in unison or separately in any way you, the meeting host, sees fit. These settings must be set before participants join a meeting, changes during a meeting will not affect participants who are already in it unless you use the in meeting security options (mentioned in the 'General use Security Practices' section below).

For audiences limited to FSU faculty, staff, or students only:
  • To limit a meeting to only those with FSU credentials, scroll down and turn on the 'Only authenticated users can join meetings' option. Under this option make sure only the 'Restricted to FSU Faculty, Staff, and Students' is the only option being used.
  • Add any of the general use security practices below to secure your meeting even further.

For audiences with not only FSU faculy, staff, or students:
  • The third option down 'Require a passcode when scheduling new meetings' will need to be turned on so that only the users you have sent the authenication passcode (that zoom creates for you) will be able to log into the meeting.
  • Add any of the general use security practices below to secure your meeting even further.

General Use Security Practices:

(These options can be changed when inside of each meeting as well if you end up needing to)

  • We suggest also that you should scroll down and select the 'Mute all participants when they join a meeting' option as well, you can unmute them one at a time from inside the meeting, but this will keep any unwanted speakers from asserting themselves.
  • Scroll down further to the 'Chat' option (most likely already turned on) and switch the 'By default, allow participants to chat with' drop down to the 'No one' or to the 'Host and Co-host' option.
  • Another general practice for increased security is to set 'Screen Sharing' to the 'Host Only' option

(These options are available once inside of a zoom meeting)

  • In the bottom tool bar, you can select the 'Participants' option which will allow you to:
    • Mute/Unmute all or individual participants
    • Mute participants upon joining the meeting (if not previously set)
    • Take away the ability for users to unmute themselves
    • Take away the ability for users to rename themselves
    • Lock the meeting so no one else can join
  • Also in the bottom tool bar, if you select the 'Security' option you have the ability to:
    • Lock the meeting so no one else can join
    • Enable waiting rooms
    • Hide participants profile pictures
    • Disable/Enable screen sharing
    • Disable/Enable the chat
    • Take away the ability for participants to unmute themselves
    • Take away the ability for participants to rename themselves
    • Take away the ability for participants to start video
    • Remove a participant
    • Suspend all participant activities (this turns off video, audio, screen sharing, and will lock the meeting so no new participants can join)