FSU Biology - Connecting to Pauper (pauper.bio.fsu.edu) from MS Windows via SSH/Xming

Department of Biological Science

at Florida State University

Connecting to Pauper (pauper.bio.fsu.edu) from MS Windows via SSH/Xming

The Pauper cluster uses the BIO AD Domain for authentication. Use your BIO AD userid and password.

You will need to have a SSH client installed on your computer. We currently recommend the Tectia SSH client.   Please see the following links for information regarding the acquisition and installation of these programs.  These programs are (all ready) installed on the PC's in the King and Unit I computer labs.

Tectia SSH Client

The Pauper cluster currently consists of 4 computational nodes, pauper.bio.fsu.edu, pauper2.bio.fsu.edu, pauper3.bio.fsu.edu and pauper4.bio.fsu.edu. Change hostname in the instructions below as appropriate for the node to which you are connecting.

Quick Connect using Tectia SSH Client

  1. Start Tectia - SSH Terminal and click Quick Connect at top left of the window.

  2. Fill in Host name with "pauper.bio.fsu.edu". For one of the other Pauper nodes type in pauper<nodenumber>.bio.fsu.edu (Ex. pauper2.bio.fsu.edu). Fill in User name with your Pauper user name.

  3. Click the Connect button, enter in password when asked. If the Add Profile window appears you can save this connection for easy access next time or for use with the instructions for setting up X-Windows support.


Connecting with X-Windows support using Tectia SSH Client

For x-windows apps you will need x-windows support which requires a Windows x-windows app. We recommend Xming.

Xming download page


X-Windows Support Using Xming Initial Setup

  1. Create or open a profile in Tectia for Pauper.  Start Tectia and and choose Profiles->Edit Profiles to edit an existing profile. If you don't have an existing profile choose select Profiles->Add Profile from the Tectia GUI.   Type in "Pauper" in the Profile Name box and click the "Add to Profiles" button. For one of the other Pauper nodes type in Pauper<NodeNumber> (Ex. Pauper2).

  2. If editing a new profile fill in "Host name" with "pauper.bio.fsu.edu". For one of the other Pauper nodes type in pauper<nodenumber>.bio.fsu.edu (Ex. pauper2.bio.fsu.edu). Fill in "User name" with your Pauper user name.

  3. Click the "Tunneling" tab.  Uncheck "Use Defaults". Put a check in the "Tunnel X11 connections" box.

  4. Click OK.


Connecting via ssh with individual x11 window instances

  1. Make sure Initial setup has been completed.
  2. Start Xming.  A minimized Xming application should now be running in your task bar.

  3. Start Tectia and select Profiles->Pauper from the Tectia menu.  Enter your Pauper password when asked.  You should see the Pauper welcome message and then get a Unix prompt.

  4. At the Unix prompt type the name of the program you wish to run (ex.s "xclock", "njplot"). If the program is a X11 application the GUI should appear on your screen. *

  5. To disconnect, exit any Pauper programs, then type "exit" at the Unix prompt or close the Tectia window.

* Note: If you get a X11 display error instead of the expected X11 window try typing
     "export DISPLAY=YOUR_IP_ADDRESS:0.0"
in your ssh window. Replace YOUR_IP_ADDRESS with your ip address as reported by http://www.whatismyip.com


Transferring Files

  1. Start Tectia and select Profiles->Pauper from the Tectia menu.  Enter your Pauper password when asked.  You should see the Wisconsin Package setup screen and then get a Unix prompt.

  2. Choose Window->New File Transfer from the Tectia menu.  A Tectia Secure File Transfer window appears.

    • Uploading:  Drag the file from your computer to the right side panel of the Secure File Transfer window.  

    • Downloading:  In the right side panel of the Secure File Transfer window right click on the file or folder you wish to download.  Choose Download Dialog from the context menu.