FSU Biology - Installing Geneious Prime (latest version of Geneious)

How to install Geneious Prime

  • Download Geneious Prime from the link below:
  • Download and run the installer. Choose an appropriate location to install the software on your local machine and press Next through the installer. For most computers, the program's installation defaults will be sufficient.
  • Once installed, launch the software. It will create a window called "Enter your License Details". Choose the second option: "Use floating license server". In the Server field, enter "licenseserver2.bio.fsu.edu", in the Port field, enter "27001" if it is not already present. Press OK.
  • After a moment, you should see a window saying "Obtained license from FLEXnet server". Press OK.
  • Enjoy using Geneious Prime!

To check or change your license status choose Help -> Activate License from the main Geneious menu. Choose option: "Use floating license server".   In the Server field, enter "licenseserver2.bio.fsu.edu", in the Port field, enter "27001" if it is not already present.

NOTE: The license server is accessible from FSU, FSUSecure, FSU VPN, local Comcast and local Sprint.