FSU Biology - Overview of computing resources for faculty, staff and graduate students in FSU Biology

FSU Biology - Computer Support Facilities - Overview of computing resources for faculty, staff and graduate students in FSU Biology

The following is a brief overview of computing services avaiable to FSU Biology faculty, grad students and staff. For more details and help pages visit our main help listing page at https://www.bio.fsu.edu/complabs/help.php. For a listing of computing services available from FSU visit https://its.fsu.edu/service-catalog.

Authentication for computer services in FSU Biology

The following authentication methods are employed for computing services in FSU Biology. The particular method for a service will be described with the service if it is not described below.

  • BIO AD (Active Directory) Domain : Authentication for Biology file servers, computational cluster and authentication for computers in Biology buildings.
  • Local accounts on servers and computers.
  • FSU AD (Active Directory) Domain : Authentication for FSU web services, authentication for the KIN Undergraduate computer labs (1057, 1058) and authentication for Biology web services.

BIO AD Domain accounts are setup by Biology computer support. Please stop by 2054 KIN, make an appointment by email or request an account from your official FSU email address.

Web listing on the biology website www.bio.fsu.edu

Biology faculty, staff and graduate students are listed on the directory pages of our website, www.bio.fsu.edu.

  • Initial entry added by Personnel staff (Debi Jensen), Grad office (April Wooten) or Biology Computer Support.
  • To edit the information login to the biology web services main page at : https://www.bio.fsu.edu/auth
  • For any issues logging in please contact Biology Computer Support.
  • To change information not available on the edit page contact Debi Jensen, April Wooten or Biology Computer Support.

Email account

  • Faculty, grad students and staff will receive an @fsu.edu email address upon completion of their FSU entry paperwork.
  • Authentication for @fsu.edu email addresses is via FSU AD.
  • Biology faculty, grad students and staff can request an @bio.fsu.edu alias.
  • Contact Biology Computer Support to request an @bio.fsu.edu alias for your @fsu.edu email address.

Website on www.bio.fsu.edu

Faculty, staff and grad students can host a personal or lab website on www.bio.fsu.edu. The owner is responsible for creating and maintaining the website.

  • Faculty, staff and graduate students can request web space on www.bio.fsu.edu.
  • The default URL is https://www.bio.fsu.edu/~userid. Other URLs are possible.
  • Upload and edit the website via epsilon.bio.fsu.edu
  • Accounts available upon request. Authentication is via local account on epsilon.

File storage and file servers

Faculty, staff and grad students can access to departmental file servers for data storage. Request an account by email or visit 2054 KIN.

  • Psi.bio.fsu.edu : General use file server for CMB and Neuro grads, faculty and staff. 4TB default quota per user.
  • Gamma.bio.fsu.edu : General use file server for E&E grads, faculty and staff. 4TB default allotment.
  • Additional capacity available at competive cost.
  • For help with connecting visit https://www.bio.fsu.edu/complabs/help.php

Psi file space can be mounted on the Pauper nodes at /psi.

Computational servers

The Biology department hosts two general use compute clusters and various private use compute servers.

  • Pauper cluster : Compute cluster for use by CMB and Neuro faculty and students. https://www.bio.fsu.edu/complabs/paupercluster.php. Authentication is via BIO Domain
  • Vespula cluster : Computer cluster for use by E&E faculty and students. Authentication is by local accounts.
  • Corona2, Cryptops, Ohta, etc: Private use compute servers. Authentication is by local accounts.

Computer labs

The following computer labs are available for use by faculty, grad students and staff.

  • KIN 1057 : 32 Windows computers. Available to faculty, all students and staff. Authentication is via FSU AD.
  • KIN 1058 : 37 Windows computers, projector and audio. Available to faculty via FSU classroom scheduling. Authentication is via FSU AD.
  • KIN 3077 : 3 Windows computers, 1 iMac. Available to faculty and grad students. Authentication is via BIO AD.
  • KIN 4030 : 3 Windows computers, 1 iMac. Available to faculty and grad students. Authentication is via BIO AD.

Licensed Software

The following licensed software is avaialable to faculty, grad students and staff.

  • MS Office : Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc. FSU site license.
  • Adobe Creative Suite : Photoshop, Illustrator, etc. FSU site license.
  • Geneious Prime : Molecular Biology and Sequence Analysis software. Departmental site license.
  • Maple : Software for Mathematics. Departmental site license.
  • JMP : Statistics and Data Analysis software. Departmental site license.

Obtaining assistance

To obtain assistance with any of these items please use one of the methods below. For Biology computing related items use the Biology Computer Support option.