FSU Biology - Avoid Phishing Scams

Tips on How to avoid Phishing Scams

How to avoid Phishing Scams:

The number and sophistication of phishing scams sent out to consumers is continuing to increase dramatically. While online banking and e-commerce is safe, as a general rule you should be careful about giving out your personal financial information over the Internet.

Phishing involves e-mail messages and Web sites designed to trick internet users into disclosing personal information like credit card numbers, passwords and bank account numbers. The (Anti-Phishing Working Group's) organization also posts tips on how to avoid phishing scams and what to do if your personal information has been compromised.

See also:
Federal Trade Commission
US Department of Justice

For more information, check some of the following sources:

For more information about how to protect yourself, see our Fact Sheet 17a Identity Theft: What to do if It Happens to You at https://www.privacyrights.org/consumer-guides/identity-theft-what-do-if-it-happens-you. Read the information and tips put out by the Federal Trade Commission about phishing at http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/conline/pubs/alerts/phishingalrt.htm. Read the Department of Justice's recent whitepaper "Special Report on Phishing" at http://www.antiphishing.org/DOJ_Special_Report_On_Phishing_Mar04.pdf