FSU - Biological Science

Frances C. James Retirement Symposium


In April of 2003 friends and colleagues of Frances C. James, who retired from the Florida State University Department of Biological Science that semester, organized "FranFair," a one-day symposium honoring her distinguished and productive scientific career. On Friday evening, 11 April, those attending from out of town gathered for an informal supper at Fran's house. Guests included Fran's three daughters and most of her former graduate students. On Saturday, 12 April, about 50 people attended the symposium, in 228 Conradi Building on the FSU campus.

Read the schedule of talks. See the group photo (missing from the photo is Walter R. Tschinkel, who was behind the camera).

After the last presentation, organizers unveiled the assembled (but as yet unquilted) top of a "friendship quilt" to which many of those present (and some who could not attend) had contributed squares. See the quilt top.

Later in the evening all participants and many of their families reconvened at the Tall Timbers Research Station north of Tallahassee for beer, barbecue, and dancing. Music was provided by (left to right) former student Jim Cox, colleague Daniel Simberloff, and friend Frank Lindamood.

Sunday morning, 13 April, the symposium culminated in a "group paddle" on the Wakulla River, well attended by manatees and alligators as well as symposium participants.

See photos of the barbecue and canoe trip.