FSU - Biological Science

Undergraduate Teaching Assistants in Biological Science Job Description

Biological Science employs students to serve as undergraduate tutors in BSC 1005 (Biology for the Non-major), BSC 2010 (Biological Science I) and BSC 2011 (Biological Science II). A number of laboratory teaching assistant positions are also available in BSC 1005L (Biology Lab for the Non-major). Tutors and recitation leaders are paid $13.00 per hour for 11 hours per week. Laboratory teaching assistant positions are paid $13.00 per hour for 17 hours per week. Students are required to attend the three (3) day departmental teaching workshop which is held during the week prior to the beginning of fall semester. They may also elect to register for 1 credit of Supervised Teaching (BSC 4945).

Those who plan to continue in graduate study or are considering careers in teaching are strongly encouraged to apply.

Minimum Requirements

Any position:

  • Major in Biological Science
  • 90 or more credit hours (units)
  • minimum FSU GPA of 3.0

BSC2010 or BSC2011:

  • Minimum GPA of 3.2 in biology, chemistry, and math courses
  • Must have earned an "A" in the course being tutored

Enjoy working with people and have strong communication skills. Have an out-going personality and an enthusiastic approach to teaching. Have good organizational and time management skills.


BSC 2010-Biological Science I (tutor positions):

  • Attend lecture
  • Assist faculty member with exam grading and review sessions
  • Staff the Biology Help Center, 1054 KIN

BSC 2011-Biological Science II (tutor positions):

  • Attend lecture
  • Assist faculty member with exam grading and review sessions
  • Staff the Biology Help Center, 1054 KIN

BSC 1005-Biology for the Non-major (tutor positions):

  • Attend lecture Monday, Wednesday, and Friday-9:05 a.m. to 9:55 a.m.
  • Hold regularly scheduled tutorial sessions

BSC 1005L-Biology Lab for the Non-major (laboratory teaching assistant position):

  • Prepare for and teach two sections of BSC 1005L (labs meet 1 day per week)
  • Emphasis is on student engagement and development of critical thinking skills
  • Hold one office hour per week
  • Attend two-hour wet lab each Friday afternoon (1:30-3:30)
  • Grade and record all student work

If additional information is needed on course duties, please contact: