FSU - Biological Science

Biology Neuroscience Candidate

Speaker:Dr. Justus Verhagen
Title: Odor-based navigation in mice
Date: Monday, 6 January 2025
Time:3:30 PM
Location: A211 PDB
Series Title: Biology Neuroscience Candidate Seminar
Category: Seminar
Host: Dr. Dabra A. Fadool
Affiliation: Department of Biological Science, FSU
Note: The speaker is a candidate for a faculty position in Biology Neuroscience. There will be a grad lunch with the speaker, 12:00 pm Monday at KIN 3009, please contact Daniel (Gaines@neuro.fsu.edu) to RSVP; postdoc lunch 11:30 am Tuesday at Seminole Cafe, please contact Katherine (Katherine Odegaard ) to RSVP, and a chalk talk Tuesday, 01/07/25, 9:30 am KIN 2057.
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