FSU - Biological Science

BioNotes, 21-09-20


September 20 through September 24, 2021

Tuesday, September 21 – Tuesday, September 21, 11:15 am – 11:15 am, FLEX: KLB 112 and Zoom—BIOCHEMISTRY/STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY SEMINAR, "E3 ubiquitin ligases in innate immunity," Dr. Sun Hur, Biological Chemistry and Molecular Biology, Harvard University, Boston, MA. Host: Dr. Fanxiu Zhu, Department of Biological Science, Florida State University. Join on Zoom: https://fsu.zoom.us/s/99181539149

Thursday, September 23 – Thursday, September 23, 4:00 pm – 4:00 pm, Zoom—BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE COLLOQUIUM, "Funding opportunities and priorities at the National Science Foundation," Dr. Karen C. Cone, Biololgical Sciences Division, National Science Foundation. Host: Dr. Karen McGinnis, Department of Biological Science, Florida State University. Join on Zoom:https://fsu.zoom.us/j/93369316737 Meeting ID: 933 6931 6737

Friday, September 24 – Friday, September 24, 4:00 pm – 4:00 pm, Zoom—ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION SEMINAR, "Unraveling the tangled web of habitat fragmentation effects," Dr. Nicholas Kortessis, Department of Biological Science, Florida State University. Host: Dr. Andrew Rassweiler, Department of Biological Science, Florida State University. Join on Zoom: https://fsu.zoom.us/j/98889516899

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