FSU - Biological Science

BioNotes, 21-07-12


July 12 through July 16, 2021

Monday, July 12 – Monday, July 12, 2:00 pm – 2:00 pm, Zoom—DISSERTATION DEFENSE, "Migration, habitat use, and predator-prey dynamics of coastal sharks in the northeast Gulf of Mexico," Cheston Peterson, Department of Biological Science and Florida State University Coastal and Marine Laboratory. Advisor: Dr. R. Dean Grubbs. Join Zoom Meeting https://fsu.zoom.us/j/92220842561?pwd=TVdHRVM2eWU3MlM2aERKT1kzWFpGZz09 Meeting ID: 922 2084 2561 Passcode: 073164

Wednesday, July 14 – Wednesday, July 14, 12:00 pm – 12:00 pm, Zoom—BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE SEMINAR, "Neurodevelopmental foundations of mental health disorders and treatments," Dr. Gregg Stanwood, Program in Neuroscience and Department of Biomedical Sciences, Florida State University. https://fsu.zoom.us/j/97045594060 Meeting ID: 970 4559 4060 Password: brain

Wednesday, July 14 – Wednesday, July 14, 3:30 pm – 3:30 pm, PDA (Psychology Auditorium)—NEUROSCIENCE SUMMER SEMINAR, "The effects of prenatal E-cigarette exposure on embryonic brain development," Amber Parnell, Bhide Lab, Program in Neuroscience, Florida State University. One of 2 seminars at the same date and time.

Wednesday, July 14 – Wednesday, July 14, 3:30 pm – 3:30 pm, PDA (Psychology Auditorium)—NEUROSCIENCE SUMMER SEMINAR, "Oxytocin and microglia modulation," Alicia Gonzalez, Hammock Lab, Program in Neuroscience, Florida State University. One of 2 seminars at the same date and time.

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