FSU - Biological Science

BioNotes, 2023-05-22


May 22 through May 26, 2023

Monday, May 22 – Monday, May 22, 1:00 pm – 1:00 pm, A211 PDB—PSYCHOLOGY DISSERTATION DEFENSE, "Oxytocin and touch in neonatal mice," Katie Day, Department of Psychology, Florida State University. Advisor: Dr. Liz Hammock.

Wednesday, May 24 – Wednesday, May 24, 12:00 pm – 12:00 pm, 1400 COM and Zoom—BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES SEMINAR, "Multifactorial Pathways link neural function and disease from flies to humans," Krishna Bhat, M.D., Ph.D., Morsani College of Medicine, University of South Florida. Host: Dr. Timothy Megraw, Department of Biomedical Science, Florida State University. Join in person at Durrell Peaden Auditorium, or on Zoom: https://fsu.zoom.us/j/91676568715?pwd=MXZwQURtM1JxMjNNYkFLemhQdDVvUT09 Password required; contact DL-MedBMSPRTeam@med.fsu.edu to request. it

Thursday, May 25 – Thursday, May 25, 1:30 pm – 1:30 pm, 1003 CSL—CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY SEMINAR, "Leveraging proteomic tools in chemical biology," Jarrod A. Marto, Ph.D., Department of Cancer Biology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, and Department of Pathology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School. Host: Dr. Michael Roper, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Florida State University.

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