FSU - Biological Science

BioNotes, 17-04-03


April 3 through April 7, 2017

Monday, April 3, 10:00 am, 423 MCH—DISSERTATION DEFENSE, "Ambitious instruction in undergraduate biology laboratories," Anna Strimaitis, School of Teacher Education, College of Education, Florida State University. Advisor: Dr. Sherry Southerland.

Monday, April 3, 11:00 am, 1306 COM—BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES DISSERTATION DEFENSE, "Regional inhibition of 14-3-3 proteins induces schizophrenia-related behaviors via disturbed neuronal circuits," Kourtney Graham, Program in Neuroscience and Department of Biomedical Sciences, Florida State University College of Medicine. Advisor: Dr. Yi Zhou.

Tuesday, April 4, 11:15 am, 112 KLB—BIOCHEMISTRY/STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY SEMINAR, "Targeting ubiquiutin ligases: hormones, metabolites, and drugs," Dr. Ning Zheng, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. Host: Dr. Qian Yin, Program in Molecular Biophysics and Department of Biological Science, Florida State University.

Wednesday, April 5, 9:30 am, 2057 KIN—DISSERTATION DEFENSE, "The genetics of adaptation of ssDNA viruses," Andrew Sackman, Department of Biological Science, Florida State University. Advisor: Dr. Darin R. Rokyta.

Wednesday, April 5, 12:00 pm, 1306 COM—BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES SEMINAR, "Nonhuman lymphocryptoviruses: unsing the relatives to investigate Epstein-Barr virus infection, pathogenesis, and treatment," Dr. Frederick Wang, Professor of Medicine and Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, Harvard Medical School; Medical director, Clinical Vironology Laboroatory, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA.

Wednesday, April 5, 3:30 pm, 2057 KIN—SPECIAL SEMINAR, "Density and resource regulation of vital rates in temperate marine reef animals," Daniel K. Okamoto, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Thursday, April 6, 9:00 am, 2057 KIN—PLANT SCIENCES SEMINAR, "Transgenerational epigenetic changes mediate adaptation to drought in rice," Jason Lynn, Department of Biological Science, FSU.


Thursday, April 6, 7:00 pm, 1024 KIN—FLORIDA NATIVE PLANT SOCIETY MEETING, "The many faces and plants of Lake Jackson, Leon County," Nia Wellendorf, Aquatic Ecologist, Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Host: Magnolia Chapter, Florida Native Plant Society. Socializing begins at 7:00, chapter meeting at 7:30, and presentation at 7:45. Free and open to the public.

Friday, April 7, 4:00 pm, 1024 KIN—ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION SEMINAR, "Chemical ecology, ecosystem tipping points, and the death spiral of coral reefs," Dr. Mark Hay, Regents Professor and Harry and Linda Teasley Chair, Department of Biological Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology. Host: Dr. Felicia C. Coleman, Florida State University Coastal and Marine Laboratory, St. Theresa, FL.

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