FSU - Biological Science

Department of Biological Science

at Florida State University

BioNotes, 14-04-07


April 7 through April 11, 2014

Tuesday, April 8, 11:15 am, 112 KLB—BIOCHEMISTRY/STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY SEMINAR, How does disorder mediate signaling by proteins, Dr. Richard Kriwacki, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital and University of Tenessee Health Scinces Center, Memphis TN. Host: Dr. Huan-Xiang Zhou.

Tuesday, April 8, 1:00 pm, 2057 KIN—THESIS DEFENSE, "RNA polymerases as genetic requirements for the establishment and maintenance of epigenetic silencing," Amy Sloan, Department of Biological Science, FSU. Advisor: Dr. Karen M. McGinnis.

Tuesday, April 8, 1:00 pm, COM 1302—BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE SPECIAL SEMINAR, "Medicine, neuroscience and imaging," Dr. Nikos Makris, Department of Psychiatry and Neurology, Harvard Medical School and Massachussetts General Hospital. Dr. Makris is a candidate for a faculty position in the Department of Biomedical Science.

Wednesday, April 9, 11:00 am, KIN 2057—DISSERTATION DEFENSE, "Comprehensive chromatin structure mapping of the human genome in cancer progression," Brooke Druliner, Department of Biological Science, FSU. Advisor: Dr. Jonathan H. Dennis.

Wednesday, April 9, 12:00 pm, 1306 COM—BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES SEMINAR , TBA, Hao Wang. Host: Dr. Branko Stefanovic.

Thursday, April 10, 11:15 am, 112 KLB—BIOCHEMISTRY/STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY SEMINAR, "FT-ICR cell with dynamic harmonization, homogeneous excitation and expanded detection," Tong Chen, Molecular Biophysics, FSU, and National High Magnetic Field Laboratory.

Thursday, April 10, 4:00 pm, 1024 KIN—BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE COLLOQUIUM, "Bee nice or bee gone: monogamy and manipulation in the evolution of sterile workers," Dr. Peter Nonacs, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, UCLA. Host: Dr. Emily H. DuVal.

Friday, April 11, 4:00 pm, 1024 KIN—ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION SEMINAR, "Manakins and fruit: how ecological services are affected by local context, and species- and sex-specific requirements," Dr. Bette Loiselle, Director, Tropical Conservation and Development Program; Professor, Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, University of Florida, Gainesville. Host: Dr. Emily H. DuVal.

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