FSU - Biological Science

BioNotes, 14-01-20


January 20 through January 24, 2014

Tuesday, January 21, 11:15 am, 112 KLB—BIOCHEMISTRY/STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY SEMINAR, "Protein stability in living cells," Dr. Gary Pielak, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC. Host: Dr. Andrew Miklos.

Tuesday, January 21, 2:00 pm, 2057 KIN—BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE SPECIAL SEMINAR, "The evolution of bet-hedging and phenotypic plasticity," Dr. Jeremy Van Cleve, National Evolutionary Synthesis Center, Durham, NC. Dr. Van Cleve is a candidate for a faculty position in the Department of Biological Science.

Tuesday, January 21, 6:00 pm, 1003 CSL—BIOCHEMISTRY/STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY SPECIAL SEMINAR, "Through a glass, darkly: behind the scenes at the NSF," Dr. Gary Pielak, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC. Dr. Pielak will talk about his experience working as a program director in the NSF's Molecular Biophysics Cluster. He will cover topics including the organization of NSF clusters, the day-to-day work of a program director, and the grant process from the perspective of funding agencies.

Wednesday, January 22, 12:00 pm, 1306 COM—BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES SEMINAR CANCELLED, "SCF ubiquitin ligase complexes regulate modular elements of molecular machines," Dr. Michele Pagano, Department of Pathology, New York University Langone Medical Center, New York, NY. Host: Dr. Choogon Lee.

Wednesday, January 22, 3:30 pm, A211 PDB—NEUROSCIENCE SPECIAL SEMINAR, "The neurobiology of predicting emotional events," Dr. Mihaela D. Iordanova, Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, University of Maryland, Baltimore. Dr. Iordanova is a candidate for a position in the Department of Psychology. There will also be a graduate student lunch with Dr. Iordanova on Thursday, January 23, 2014, from 12:30-1:30 p.m. in A204 PDB.

Thursday, January 23, 11:00 am, 2057 KIN—BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE SPECIAL SEMINAR, "Species interactions and the maintenance of diverse communities," Dr. Leithen M'Gonigle, Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, University of California, Berkeley. Dr. M'Gonigle is a candidate for a faculty position in the Department of Biological Science.

Thursday, January 23, 2:00 pm, 2057 KIN—PLANT SCIENCES SEMINAR, "Screening of phytochemicals for interaction with G-quadruplex structures," Katherine Easterling, Department of Biological Science, FSU.

Thursday, January 23, 4:00 pm, 1024 KIN—BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE COLLOQUIUM, "Pollinator responses to anthropogenic land use change," Dr. Neal Williams, University of California, Davis. Host: Dr. Brian D. Inouye.

Thursday, January 23, 4:00 pm, 1400 MSB—COLLEGE OF MEDICINE GRAND ROUNDS CANCELLED, "The cell biology of genomes: from fundamentals to disease," Dr. Tom Misteli, Assistant Director, National Cancer Institute, NIH, Bethesda, Maryland. Host: Dr. Akash Gunjan.

Friday, January 24, 4:00 pm, 1024 KIN—ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION SEMINAR, "Choosing plants for pollinator restoration: a reserve design approach," Dr. Neal Williams, University of California, Davis. Host: Dr. Brian D. Inouye.

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