FSU - Biological Science

BioNotes, 13-10-07


October 7 through October 11, 2013

Tuesday, October 8, 11:15 am, 112 KLB—BIOCHEMISTRY/STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY SEMINAR, "Molecular adaptation in viruses and venoms and the genotype-phenotype-fitness map," Dr. Darin R. Rokyta, Department of Biological Science, FSU.

Wednesday, October 9, 12:00 pm, 1306 COM—BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES SEMINAR, "Relating the higher order organization of the human inactive X chromosome to chromatin organization and gene silencing," Dr. Brian P. Chadwick, Department of Biological Science, FSU. Host: Dr. Akash Gunjan.

Wednesday, October 9, 3:30 pm, 499 DSL—SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING COLLOQIUM, "Impacts of assimilation of ATMS data in HWRF on track and intensity forecasts of four 2012 landfall hurricanes," Dr. Xiaolei Zhou, Department of Meteorology, FSU.

Wednesday, October 9, 4:00 pm, 2057 KIN—PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DISCUSSION, "How to do well on prelims: faculty perspective." Discussion leaders: Alice Winn, Don Levitan, Dept. of Biological Science, FSU. Open to anyone interested. For information contact: Dr. David Houle

Wednesday, October 9, 5:30 pm, Askew Student Life Center Theater—5+2 DAYS OF OPENING MINDS, "The birth of natural philosophy and its prodigal son: science," Sir Harold Kroto, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, FSU. Host: 5+2 Days of Opening Minds seminar series.

Thursday, October 10, 9:30 am, 2057 KIN—PLANT SCIENCES SEMINAR, 'Regulation of cytokinin signaling in plants,' a discussion of Kim et al., 2013, 'SCFKMD controls cytokinin signaling by regulating the degradation of type-B response regulators' PNAS 110:10028-10033, Jie Li, Department of Biological Science, FSU.

Thursday, October 10, 4:00 pm, 1024 KIN—BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE COLLOQUIUM, "Hypothalamic glucose sensing neurons: tuned to energy status," Dr. Vanessa H. Routh, New Jersey Medical School, Newark. Host: Dolly Al Koborssy. A graduate student lunch with Dr.Routh will be held at noon in 3009 KIN; contact Dolly Al Koborssy to take part.

Thursday, October 10, 7:00 pm, 1024 KIN—TRIBETA NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY COLLOQUIUM, "How drugs can influence our brain, behavior and genome," Dr. Amber Brown, Biomedical Department, College of Medicine, FSU. Host: Dr. Debra A. Fadool.

Thursday, October 10, 7:00 pm, FSU Coastal and Marine Laboratory Auditorium, St. Teresa, Florida—COASTAL AND MARINE CONSERVATION LECTURE, "Found: the sea turtle lost years," Dr. Kate Mansfield, University of Central Florida. Refreshments will be provided. Please bring a nonperishable food item to donate to Second Harvest of the Big Bend.

Friday, October 11, 8:00 am, Augustus B. Turnbull III Florida State Conference Center—42ND ANNUAL SOUTHEASTERN MAGNETIC RESONANCE CONFERENCE The 42nd Annual Southeastern Magnetic Resonance Conference will be held October 11-13, 2013. Submit abstracts by September 13, 2013. Register by August 30 or September 30 for registration discounts. For more information, visit the conference website, or email semrc2013@magnet.fsu.edu.

Friday, October 11, 4:00 pm, 1024 KIN—ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION SEMINAR, "Integrating physiology and genomics: an experimental selection approach to understanding intricate life histories and the pathways underlying them," Dr. Lauren A. Reynolds, Department of Biological Science, FSU. Host: Dr. Kimberly Hughes.

Friday, October 11, 5:00 pm, Global & Multicultural Center Dining Room—, "FSU Postdocs Network and Coffee at the International Coffee Hour." This is an excellent opportunity to meet Postdoctoral Association (PDA) representatives and get to know postdoctoral associates at FSU. Also: free food.

Saturday, October 12, 8:00 am, Augustus B. Turnbull III Florida State Conference Center—42ND ANNUAL SOUTHEASTERN MAGNETIC RESONANCE CONFERENCE The 42nd Annual Southeastern Magnetic Resonance Conference will be held October 11-13, 2013. Submit abstracts by September 13, 2013. Register by August 30 or September 30 for registration discounts. For more information, visit the conference website, or email semrc2013@magnet.fsu.edu.

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