FSU - Biological Science

Informal Reading and Discussion Groups 2012-2013 listings (so far)

Listing updated 10 September 2012

These meetings and discussions are open to anyone. To have your name added to a group's e-mail distribution list, e-mail the contact person listed for that group.

Plant-Insect Interactions Discussion Group: Mondays, 10:00 a.m., 4009 KIN. Discussions of research progress and papers of interest. Schedule. Contact person: Nora Underwood.

Evolution Reading Group (BSC 5932-17): Mondays, 10:10 a.m., 4077 KIN. This is a wide-ranging discussion group that aims to read papers from a wide variety of areas in evolutionary biology. Every week one member of the group will choose a paper that he or she finds particularly interesting, send it out to the group, then lead a discussion on it the next week. Contact person: David Houle.

Sensory Systems Reading Group (BSC 5952): Mondays, 12:00 noon, 3009 KIN. Informal data and discussion of recently published journal articles are covered by alternating group leaders. The emphasis will be in the research areas of vision and chemical senses, but a comparison to all sensory systems will be employed depending upon the needs and composition of the enrolled students and faculty. The weekly discussion leaders are posted along with the pdf files of the journals to be presented on the BSC 5952 web page. Contact person: Debra A. Fadool or James M. Fadool.

Integrative Reviews in Animal Behavior (BSC 5932-48): Mondays, 4:00 p.m., 4077 KIN. The goal of this seminar is to provide an informal and interdepartmental forum for discussion of current research in animal behavior. Graduate students and faculty will take turns leading a week's discussion of a paper from the primary literature, their own manuscript in prep, or a PowerPoint-style presentation of research proposals or results. Advanced undergraduates are welcome with organizer consultation. Graduate students may sign up for 1 hour course credit. This semester we will focus on three topics: (1) genomics and behavior, (2) social behavior/group communication, and (3) stress/anxiety related behaviors. Contact person: Lisa Lyons.

Mixed models in R (BSC 5932-49): Tuesdays, 1:00 p.m., KIN 2057. GLMMs, zero inflated models, and hierarchical models. We'll discuss the background theory and how to implement appropriate models in the R environment, using lme4, nlme, MCMCglmm, and related packages (maybe even R2WinBUGS). We will assume familiarity with R and GLMs as a starting point. Graduate students may sign up for 1 hour course credit. Contact person: Brian Inouye.

Speciation Reading Group (BSC 5932): Thursdays, 2:45 p.m., 215 BRF. The group will read and discuss primary literature on the genomics of speciation. Contact person: Emily Lemmon.

Virology Reading Group: Fridays, 9:00 a.m., 4077 KIN. This group discusses articles related to viruses, from the molecular aspects of a particular virus to the evolution and ecology of viruses in general and everything in between. Contact person: Victoria Pearson.

Ecology Reading Group (BSC 5932-33): Fridays, 10:15 a.m., 4009 KIN. Anyone is welcome to attend, and the reading will generally be posted at https://www.bio.fsu.edu/~miller/HOMEPAGE/reading.html. Contact person: Tom Miller.

Macroevolution Reading Group (BSC 5932): Fridays, 11:30 a.m., 4077 KIN. The topic is anything macroevolutionary. Each week one volunteer chooses a paper, makes a five-minute presentation about it, and leads the discussion. Students formally registered for the course are required to lead one or two discussions; others may do so if they wish. We encourage participation by people with a wide variety of interests and backgrounds. Contact person: Scott J. Steppan.