FSU - Biological Science

1963 in the FSU Biological Science History project

Faculty of the Department of Biological Science in 1963
Lloyd M. BeidlerProfessor
Norman I. Bishop, Associate Professor
M. Irene Boliek, Associate Professor
Ruth S. Breen, Professor
Relis B. Brown, Associate Professor
Andre F. Clewell, Temporary Instructor
A. Gib DeBusk, Associate Professor
Dexter M. Easton, Associate Professor
Loretta C. Ellias, Assistant Professor
Sidney W. Fox, Professor and Director of the Oceanographic Institute
Hans Gaffron, Research Professor
Robert K. Godfrey, Professor and Curator of the Herbarium
William H. Heard, Assistant Professor
Peter H. Homann, Assistant Professor
Robert W. Hull, Professor and Department Chairman
Mary Noka Hood, Professor
George W. Keitt, Jr., Assistant Professor
Herman Kurz, Professor Emeritus
Harry J. Lipner, Associate Professor
Grace C. Madsen, Associate Professor
R. Winston Menzel (Oceanographic Institute)
Margaret Y. Menzel, Associate Professor
Charles B. Metz, Professor and Associate Director of the Oceanographic Institute
Chester S. Nielsen, Associate Professor
Anne L. Pates, Associate Professor
Sherwood M. Reichard, Assistant Professor
Joshua Paul Reynolds, Professor
Ronald C. Rustad, Associate Professor
Robert B. Short, Professor
Henry M. Stevenson, Professor
Lutz C. Wiese, Visiting Invesigator
Ralph W. Yerger, Professor

This page is part of the Departmental History Project of the Department of Biological Science at Florida State University. Can you help us fill in the blanks? If you were once a student here, or a member of our faculty or staff, we'd love to hear from you. Send an e-mail to thistle@bio.fsu.edu, a fax to (850) 645-8447, or snail-mail to Dr. Anne B. Thistle, Editor, Department of Biological Science, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306-4295. And thanks!