The Phospholipid (PL) Bilayer

I. History in the Development of the Fluid Mosaic Model A. Charles Overton - rbcs contained lipids B. Irving Langmuir - the Langmuir Trough C. Gorter and Grendel - 2 PL layers D. Davson and Danielli - 2 external protein layers in a sandwich E. Singer and Nicholson - The Fluid Mosaic II. Constituents in the Typical Fluid Mosaic Model A. Hydrophillic Head B. Hydrophobic Tail C. Cholesterol - reduction in PL mobility D. Proteins 1. Integral Membrane Proteins 2. Extrinsic Membrane Proteins 3. Intrinsic Membrane Proteins 4. Combined with Carbohydrate a. glycoproteins b. glycolipids E. Extracellular versus Cytosolic III. Properties of the Fluid Mosaic Model A. Selective Permeability B. Fluidity 1. viscous - saturated H-C tails 2. fluid - unsaturated H-C tails 3. cholesterol C. Mosaic D. polarity of the PM decoded by surface carbohydrates IV. Six Important Functions of the PM A. Transport B. Enzymatic Activity C. Signal Transduction D. Intercellular Joining E. Cell-Cell Recognition F. Attachment to Cytoskeletal