3D Deconvolution Image Data from five different nuclei.
Two are from desyanptic1 (dsy1) pollen mother cells, and three are from desynaptic (dy).
File Name                  Mutant Stage   HBID  Fig. Description
dsy1_ZY_D     [AVI][MOV]   dsy1  Zygotene  5s3b  1A  grey-scale sections, DAPI  (DNA)
dsy1_ZY_F     [AVI][MOV]    "       "       "    "   grey-scale sections, FITC  (telomeres)
dsy1_ZY_O     [AVI][MOV]    "       "       "    "   grey-scale sections, Rhod. (5S rDNA)
dsy1_ZY_DFO   [AVI][MOV]    "       "       "    "   color sections, DAPI/FITC/RHOD(5S rDNA) =  Blue/Green/Red
dsy1_ZY_360   [AVI][MOV]    "       "       "    "   color, spinning projections DAPI/FITC/RHOD(5S rDNA) =  Blue/Green/Red

dsy1_DP_DO.JPG [JPG]
dsy1_DP_D     [AVI][MOV]   dsy1  Diplotene 5s3d  -   grey-scale sections, DAPI  (DNA)
dsy1_DP_F     [AVI][MOV]    "       "       "    -   grey-scale sections, FITC  (telomeres)
dsy1_DP_O     [AVI][MOV]    "       "       "    -   grey-scale sections, Rhod. (5S rDNA)
dsy1_DP_DFO   [AVI][MOV]    "       "       "    -   color sections, DAPI/FITC/RHOD =  Blue/Green/Red
dsy1_DP_360   [AVI][MOV]    "       "       "    -   color, spinning projections
                                                       DAPI/FITC/RHOD = Blue/Green/Red

dy_LE_D       [AVI][MOV]   dy    Leptotene 1t3e  -   grey-scale sections, DAPI  (DNA)
dy_LE_F       [AVI][MOV]   "       "        "    -   grey-scale sections, FITC  (telomeres)
dy_LE_O       [AVI][MOV]   "       "        "    -   grey-scale sections, Rhod. (5S rDNA)
dy_LE_DFO     [AVI][MOV]   "       "        "    -   color sections, DAPI/FITC/RHOD =  Blue/Green/Red

dy_ZY_D       [AVI][MOV]   dy    Zygotene  1t3d  2A  grey-scale sections, DAPI  (DNA)
dy_ZY_F       [AVI][MOV]   "       "        "    "   grey-scale sections, FITC  (telomeres)
dy_ZY_O       [AVI][MOV]   "       "        "    "   grey-scale sections, Rhod. (5S rDNA)
dy_ZY_DFO     [AVI][MOV]   "       "        "    "   color sections, DAPI/FITC/RHOD Blue/Green/Red

dy_PA_D       [AVI][MOV]   dy    Pachytene 2t3e  2B  grey-scale sections, DAPI  (DNA)
dy_PA_F       [AVI][MOV]   "       "        "    "   grey-scale sections, FITC  (telomeres)
dy_PA_O       [AVI][MOV]   "       "        "    "   grey-scale sections, Rhod. (5s rDNA)
dy_PA_DFO     [AVI][MOV]   "       "        "    "   color sections, DAPI/FITC/RHOD =  Blue/Green/Red
dy_PA_360     [AVI][MOV]   "       "        "    "   color, spinning projections,
                                                       DAPI/FITC red/green
Table notes:
Single (JPG) images are greyscale projections of whole cell or nucleus subset images (DAPI, FITC, and Rhod.) 
'grey-scale sections' show the entire 3D subset of data (optical sections) for a particular wavelength 
  (D for DAPI, F for FITC, and O for Rhodamine).
'color sections' show the entire 3D subset with psuedocolor overlay of all three wavelengths
'color, spinning projections' show through focus projections viewed from a series of angles about the Y axis,
  these appear to spin when played through in sequence.
[AVI]  are AVI movie format, [MOV] QuickTime movie format 
Links to the paper J Exp Bot (2003) 54:39-46.