2010 in the FSU Biological Science History project

2010 In the Department of Biological Science at Florida State University (updated 21 January 2010)

Dr. James H. Oliver, Jr., the director of the James H. Oliver Jr. Institute of Arthropodology and Parasitology and the Fuller E. Callaway Professor of Biology Emeritus, both at Georgia Southern University in Statesboro, Ga., an international expert in the biology of ticks and mites, especially those that cause or transmit diseases, received the 2010 Circle of Omicron Delta Kappa "Grads Made Good" award. Dr. Oliver's 1954 M.S. from FSU's Department of Zoology was supervised by the late Dr. Robert B. Short, who retired from the Department of Biological Science in 1990.

The inaugural Fowler Symposium in Frontiers in Molecular Biology, "Host-Microbe Interactions," took place Friday, 17 December 2010, in 1024 KIN, the large auditorium in the King Life Sciences Building. It featured speakers from around the United States as well as from FSU and represents a first step toward filling of the department's newly endowed Fowler Chair.

Graduate student Erin Simmons was named a 2010 Florida Gubernatorial Fellow (one of eight from Florida State and 13 statewide).

More news and events of 2010

Faculty roster
Awards to faculty, students, staff
Alumni newsletter (Responses)


Chair: P. Bryant Chase
Associate Chair for Graduate Studies: George W. Bates
Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies: Laura R. Keller
Associate Chair for Curriculum Development: Lloyd M. Epstein




  Faculty Awards

  Student Awards

  Graduate   Undergraduate

  Staff Awards


This page is part of the Departmental History Project of the Department of Biological Science at Florida State University. Can you help us fill in the blanks? If you were once a student here, or a member of our faculty or staff, we'd love to hear from you. Send an e-mail to thistle@bio.fsu.edu, a fax to (850) 645-8447, or snail-mail to Dr. Anne B. Thistle, Editor, Department of Biological Science, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306-4295. And thanks!